Flowers for the Birthday Girl

Marlane is 32, again, today. We had everyone visiting except the twins and Julia of course as they are three and a half hours away. Julia did send some lovely flowers though, roses and freesias. I do like the smell of freesias, or I did until I lost my sense smell smashing my head when I fell off a ladder a few years ago.
Johanna also brought a little basket with flowers in and a big bunch of daffodils, Marlane's favourite flower.
It's also World Book Day so this morning I took Little Red Riding Hood (Hendrix) and the Big Bad Wolf to school. Hendrix was not dressed as a girl, he just had a bright red hoodie on to go with Buddy's wolf costume.
I didn't get a photo of them, should have of course, but Julia sent us some photographs of the girls. See the extra of Hermione Grainger and Luna Lovegood of Harry Potter fame.

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