
As we ate breakfast today we could hear an unusual noise - the clanking of a large machine with periodic crashing noises. Could it be someone felling the forest? About an hour later a large machine came into view. It grasped a tree right down at ground level, a blade sliced through the trunk and the tree came down. The jaws of the machine pulled the trunk through, smashing all the branches off and cutting the trunk into 4 meter lengths. In  less than a minute the tree was down and processed and the machine moved onto the next tree.
As the trees came down our view opened up and the garden and house became lighter.
Our house was built 103 years ago, and it takes 70 - 100 years for the forest to grow from start to maturity so it has seen this whole process. It seems strange that we will be soon be seeing the same views as the first people to live in our house!
Our latest visitors, Andy and Monika, arrived after dark so they will have to wait until tomorrow to see the action.

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