Ducking The Blossom, The Friars, Aylesford

I went in with my brother on the bus this morning to go and pick up his car after it's service and M.O.T. The bus timetable was a work of fiction - we got to the bus stop at the top of the road ten minutes before the 8.57. It, of course, never turned up. We waited twenty five minutes for the next one that actually turned up early but then proceeded to sit at the next stop along for a good six or seven minutes while it waited to get back on track with it's timetable. How on earth are you supposed to trust public transport when it messes you about so often. No wonder people stick to their cars.
After all that waiting around we were starving so headed to Weatherspoons for a second day running for breakfast before picking up the car from the garage. On the way home we stopped off at The Friars and that's where I captured this duck near the pond. He looked very resplendent against the backdrop of the early blossoming trees.

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