My birthday present....

....alternative title "Step into my parlour" said the ...........

I've waited quite a few months for this appointment, a hip injection to alleviate pain and discomfort until July when I'm scheduled for surgery.
Arriving at the reception desk at 9.50 for a 10am checkin, it took 30 seconds before "Have a seat sir, won't be long"
A whole 5 minutes passed before I was called in to "the parlour"
"Naked from the waist down, put the gown on, we'll be back soon" were my instructions..
And soon it was, maybe another 5 minutes at most.
After just a few minutes where the nurse applied skin somethingorother around my hip, narrowly avoiding the family jewels, the doctor came in.
"Right" he said, "let's get this over with"
A bit of freezing, a couple of "Oh, wtf was that?" under my breath, and it was done. 5 minutes at the very most.
So after after all that time waiting for an appointment, I was in and out in 40 minutes.

Immediately, things felt better, as they do now, 5 hours later. I feel almost normal again. 
Let's see how things go over the next few days.

The boss got me a birthday card which sums up my life quite succinctly these days, it's in the extra.

Ah well...

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