Good News for Park Hall

A chilly breeze again, mostly overcast but at least it's been dry.  

Up early, and another load of washing out after breakfast.  Headed out walkies.  An afternoon in the greenhouse.  More walkies, nipped along Madeline's for a cuppa.  Working in the shop this evening, again, a busy night of customers.  More walkies, now feet up.

Part of my walkies took past this old house.  My last Blip was when it had Halloween art in the windows in 2022.  Recently there was good news  for the old C listed house, it's been bought by a private developer.  The lady who bought it plans to restore it to it's former glory, with private accommodation and holiday let's.  All my minding it's been abandoned and derelict, last lived in about 40 years ago, the family are mostly in Lerwick now.  I'll be keeping a close eye to watch the progress, I can't wait to see it loved again.  Taken at Park Hall, Effirth, Aithsting. 

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