The tree which fell six weeks ago is still blocking the lane and possibly will remain there for a long time.  We have to go through a gap in the hedge into the muddy field now to get round so few people walk their dogs there.  When I was examining the rotten tree trunk I disturbed a cat that was watching some goldfinches.

Edit    In response to some queries:  The tree was on land which was a large farm until it was bought by a developer about four years ago for housing but so far it lies derelict and we believe that there is a dispute about their plans. So presumably they are unlikely to do anything about removing the tree from the narrow potholed lane which they planned to close anyway. Latterly it was used only by the bin lorries and our postvan who can access the six houses by diverting through the estate behind us.  The bin lorry can't get through the bollards beside our house so the residents of the old farmhouse and two former farm cottages have been without a collection.  Last week they had dragged two bins up and put them beside ours but a bin collector told S that he could not take them because they were not on our run.  Yesterday one of the bin men was taking photos of the bollards and narrow entrance so perhaps the local authority will widen it and add that collection to our run which makes sense.

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