Bumps, babbies and bairns- the history wardrobe.

Went to a show tonight featuring the two Lucys. They are clothing historians. I've been to one of their shows before. The show was very interesting and light hearted.The two Lucys take you on a journey into historical motherhood, from maternity clothes to baby layettes. With one Lucy in the family way (only acting, don't worry) the other Lucy plays expert, giving sound advice from bygone times on what to wear with a bun in the oven and how to dress your little darlings.
The dress on the left- the green one is a boy's dress as both boys and girls were dressed alike till they were about four when boys would be breeched. There are 100 years difference between the 2 garments.  One from the 1850s and the smocked dress on the right from the 1950s 
The Lucy (Adlington ) on the right is a best selling author and wrote the dressmakers of Auzwitch as well as a number of other books. Well worth a read I am told. 

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