Dwarf Crepe Myrtle

This is hiding in the front garden. It is flowering much later than the tree size crepe myrtles I have.

I went in with Bob to a GP appointment and got some extra care (I couldn’t make an appointment myself but the doctor was happy to fit me in). She wrote me scripts for a stronger cortisone cream and another with local anaesthetic. I wanted my medical record to show the allergy. We are unsure of the reason. Tonight I’m no worse and can continue with the anti histamine tablets (which said to only take for a few days). We then had a long discussion with the pharmacist who suggested a special non soap wash and cream …..$130 later. It’s been a big week with 2 doctor visits, dentist, podiatrist, physio and 2 trips to the chemist. We have medical insurance but it doesn’t cover most of these expenses.

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