Water Water Nowhere.

For most of today we had no water supply to our home.

Pat phoned up Scottish Water Help Line to be advised contractors were making repairs to a water main adjacent to the Cemetery. The repairs should be complete sometime today.

Fortunately we were away for most of the day in St Andrews. 
I gave a talk to the Guild of St Marks Church on the Bell Rock Lighthouse in the afternoon while Pat was investigating some artists for a possible commission.

The Guild ladies enjoyed the presentation and treated to afternoon tea. In my case to afternoon coffee.

Pat was keeping in touch with Scottish Water, although they were not too good about keeping in touch with Pat via there website.

When we arrived home about 5:00 p.m. it did appear that we had water. In this sort of situation the water has to be run for some time until it runs clear.

The Rabbit tap or faucet is where I prefer to run water after a break in services.  Today’s entry shows dirty water pouring out.

Our house water system is quite complex and extensive. About an hour or so later I had visited every tap or faucet and ensured that clear water was running everywhere. 

Of course there is a number of air locks to be cleared as well.

Many of the Scottish Water Supply mains run through fields and they are often damaged by farm equipment.

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