I have forsaken my photography skills (such as they are) in my goal to blip daily. The first few weeks in March tend to be a somewhat boring, somewhat frenetic period before our annual trip to Italy. Hence, the blips have tended toward packing, prepping or else it's a random photo taken at the last minute. Clearly the blip hasn't made it to the top of my 'to do' list. Today's blip was very last minute. Just before heading down to Kuumbwa Jazz Club to enjoy Afro-Cuban music, I realized that I hadn't yet blipped. It was now or never. Just outside the door, the potted Brugmansia aka Trumpet flower was looking and smelling particularly lovely. Snap! The porch light provided the only illumination and I moved while the phone was still taking the long exposure. Yet, the photo (although lacking in "composition, light, moment) is perfectly usable for today's blip. The miracle of iphone cameras!
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