
An odd picture, but one I realised this evening should be kept, be celebrated. 

The final get together of one of our funding pathways today, the Green Social Prescribing initiative for Cumbria. 
This is the program I've enjoyed the most, it's felt closest to where we should be, it's been one of the few times we've really really been able to engage with the NHS, to get the opportunity to show them the difference the outdoors can make. 

Helping the lovely H (who liked Wellness Walks so much she's become one of our Volunteers!) set up this morning she put this up on the wall. I helped not paying attention, until she said "that's you that is" *.
I looked properly - these are case studies from people we've helped across Cumbria through this program, people who've been referred to us, who've been brave enough to tell their story, kind enough to say we made a difference.
I had to pretend I'd got something in my eye for a moment. 

*H is too young to get the iconic early 90's reference. 

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