The best medicine >^..^< :))

Dougal likes the fact that he can find a snug spot on my down filled duvet. Here he’s just asking me if I’m comfortable:)
After a solid 4 hours of sleep I woke needing the bathroom just after midnight and thereafter every hour or so. I took my next batch of painkillers and carefully made my way downstairs. Aunties carer M made me a warm drink and some sourdough toast.
Auntie was collected at 09:30 to be taken to her Friday day centre. A comforting chat with my good friend Huw was followed by a visit from two people to kick off the care package. Forms filled and injuries noted, one of them warmed up a salmon crumble from Wiltshire farm foods. Another visit was due later and the plan was for them to assist with a shower.
Meanwhile I was using auntie’s recliner to find a comfortable spot to relax between some slow motion walking to prevent seizing up completely.
By the time the next caregiver arrived I had a blinding headache and just about had the energy to climb up the stairs and into bed (18:30pm).
To be continued.

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