
By HeartFreek

Heart 28

I'v had a lovely if not a little exhausting day. Met with 2 of my girl friends for coffee and cake this morning. It was at a garden centre I hadn't tried before and I have to say I was very impressed by the size of their buns!!

And today, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a new blipper amongst us!!! EmmaAtHome (pictured on the right) had no choice really as I uploaded Blip onto her phone for her and made her do it!!!! She is the lovely lady who made my Heart Bag that I featured on here on the 20th June. Please pop by and say hello and place an order for a bag, some bunting or a cushion or 2!!! She can make a wicked cupcake too!!!

The other lovely girlie is my pal Annette, (also known as Skeleton ) a Sports Injury Therapist and a bloody good listener who came to my rescue when I was oh so confused in hospital back in April. I was texting her at 4 am making her come to see me as I was convinced all the nurses were trying to kill me off!!! (and she did!)We had a good laugh about it today! She is a blipper, but a very bad one!!! Last entry....erhem....1st January!!!!

We had a laugh in the gift shop as you can see. Anyone would think we were rehearsing for Calendar Girls!! We did get some funny looks! Thank you girlies for a great morning.

Had tine for a little retail therapy, then sadly it was all down hill from there as my work was supposed to take me on the M25. What was going on there today? 25 miles of cues!! I took the scenic route there and back and glad I did as I saw a Prom Party on their way to Wotton House near Dorking. There was a stretched Hummer, Stretched Limo, Luminous yellow Bentley Continental, an American Cadillac, and the most ENORMOUS army tank with 4 lads dressed in DJ's sitting out the turret!!! They looked great. Hope they all had a fantastic time. Its that time of year isn't it. I remember it well with my girls!!

Just had a TV dinner as I got in so late and ready for PJ's and paracetamol!!!


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