International Women’s Day

I had a nice surprise when I popped to Pret to pick up a sandwich for lunch.  As I went to pay the manager said it was on the house as it was International Women’s Day!  That was a lovely surprise.

I had a productive day at work. I got in 3 hours of testing on our new discovery service.  We have played with the relevancy ranking settings to try and improve the search experience as we weren’t happy with how well some categories of materials were displaying when searching.  The tweaks appear to be better as all my trials surfaced stuff higher in the results list of the tweaked version than the original.  Hopefully, we will be able to switch to this soon, as soon as my colleagues have also done some testing.  We are all trying out things we found hard to find previously to check we have improved things across the board and not made any problems in any other areas. Sometimes you fix something and it causes a worse problem further down the line for something else.

I also managed to work with a colleagues to get a research guide finished for a new Grand Challenge this year - all about Global Security.

The challenges run in June so we are ahead of ourselves and have plenty if time to do further work on it.

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