
A day late for Flower Friday but I thought I'd blip these tiny  flowers. I planted them in a container in the autumn but of course I can't remember the variety**. They're such useful plants - hardy, reliable, early flowering. Once they're finished I'll pop them in a bed or the grass and they'll happily flower again and again. 

No Saturday morning chat today. One of my friends is on duty at her local marmalade day and the other has a birthday today. As for me I'm off to the community hospital soon for my shingles vaccination. The booking system was a bit eccentric but in the end I spoke to someone and was offered an appointment this morning. I hope not to have an adverse reaction - I don't think it's a live vaccine but I might have a sore arm. 

It is so cold, grey and windy today. A brisk walk will do me the world of good. 

** Blipper TonyG helpfully let me know: Puschkinia scilloides

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