Billboard Hits

By chicklet

A Little Late Night Swing

Casey MacGill 1999

I used to go out dancing several nights a week but hadn't felt the urge for a while until invited last night when I had a blast.
I'm a long way from Good At It, but I can feel the beat, don't yank, and if you can lead it, there's a fair chance I can follow it reasonably well.
These are two of my favourite dance chums who are both Very Good At It showing us a little West Coast Swing. (Classes available in Glasgow and Edinburgh!)
We're at our favourite monthly dance, Red Hot and Blue, in Edinburgh, and all love the fact that This Kind Of Thing still goes on and that in our world "going to the dancing" doesn't mean getting rat-arsed, fighting and random snogging of strangers, it really does mean going the dancing!
Please note genuine smiling.

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