The Motive and the Cue
Ever since we missed going with friends at the start of its run, (there was just one too many train strikes and we folded) we have been determined to go and see this. So we zipped up for a matinee, which still makes me feel ancient although many theatre people I know do it, it’s a way of catching up with stuff you don’t have any evenings for and really enjoyed it! Neither of us were sure at first and I’m not entirely sure what it was ‘for’ but i found it touching and entertaining and thought a lot about being who you are and the different strands of theatre history. Mark G and Johnny Flynn were terrific.
Afterwards we had an early supper at Cafe Kitty, a spin off restaurant of another I like a lot, and incidentally owned by an ex-actor I used to know, in fact worked with when he was young. As this is a new venture he was there! And it was fun to catch up although he was rushed off his feet so it’s clearly going to be a hit. “Acting’s easier’ he muttered to me racing past at one point. It was delicious and fun and it felt like a proper night out.
Replacement bus service meant that we had to leave the car in the car park of hell at Guildford and drive home from there.
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