Magnolia Stellata

My day started off well - up in good time and stuffed my little car full of old carpet and garden waste, and off in good time for my 8.30 slot at the tip. As I got to the gate ( they check your car reg and proof you live in Bristol) he closed the huge metal gates rather swiftly and told me there was a fire. Two fire engines arrived shortly after. I think it was a very small fire - I couldn’t smell it. Sat in my car reading the Guardian on my phone, and eventually got let in just after 9.30. At one stage they were saying we’d have to come back another day, so I was really pleased I didn’t have to unpack and repack all that stuff again.
When I got home I parked outside the house with this gorgeous bush. A few of the earliest flowers have some brown marks on from the short-lived snow one week ago. But most of them are perfectly lovely

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