What a Difference a Day Makes

Well today couldn't have been more different to yesterday. It was back to winter again, the strong and biting Easterly wind was back with a vengeance, it was drizzling most of the morning and it felt more like 3C that the 8C is actually was. I was on an Introduction to the Birds of Cley walk this morning. The weather was such that most birds other than the waders were hiding. The waders were mostly too far away to be seen for identification purposes with binoculars, although the walk leader identified them with her Scope. I did the first half of the walk, but it was too cold for not much walking and far too much standing still, so I left early. This Teal (?) duck was closest to one of the hides, and I've included an Extra of two Marsh Harriers together in flight. This afternoon I had a lovely long catch up with my sister E. Tonight I'm going to try to stay up to watch the Oscars live. 

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