Time travel
Time travel is a lot easier than you might think...no, you don't need to explode stars in order to punch holes the space time continuum. All you need to do is receive an unexpected text from some old work colleagues. There I was earlier, sitting at my desk earlier this evening sanding the rough edges off a story about a Lionel Richie (no really, I was - yes, the 80s crooner) when just such a text pinged into my portable telephone...."if you're still in town, come to the Pitcher, X, X and X are here..." X, X and X are friends/colleagues from my old job... So I did (once I'd finished with Lionel of course). And there I sat, talking to the old crew over an amber glass, and for an hour it was almost as though time had warped back in on itself....We were always doing that back there and then - "going for a drink"....!
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