
I worked from home today so it was going to be a flower from the garden blip as there wouldn't be any opportunities to go anyway to get anything else.

Once the rain stopped I wandered round the garden - well actually raced around in bare feet getting wet. I liked all of my photos, the foxglove, the allium and the philadelphus, a;; with water droplets on them. But I liked the simplicity of thisone most with the little tiny droplet.

Go large to see it

My sister gave me these - in fact she gave them too me twice as Mr F thought that they were weeds and dug them up the first time - bless him

The problem with working from home is that I find it hard to stop and hard to unwind. I can at least forget it all on the train.

Been researching how to make gluten free sourdough - going to start growing the starter this weekend

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