One Stop before HOME

I left Vancouver this morning and had to deliver a parcel to one of my son's that lives in this log home.

You may remember that his subdivision experienced a fire storm that destroyed multiple homes. Their home survived but there was of damages was the metal roof which warped from the extreme heat and the metal/rubber attachments were compromised. So, a new roof is being installed...quite the difference.
12 workers have now put in one day of new installation. Quite the job.

Extra: Parents and a group photo of Nash and the Kelowna Owls...5 boys are graduating and this was their last high school game.  they went 3-1 in the BC Tournament. Some tears were shed..Nash got the Player of the Game in his last game..they had a convincing win and he played so well.

I do apologize for being so absent from commenting ...but I was really wrapped up following my grandson much fun.

I am looking forward to a slowed down pace and back to enjoying the many great submission by you folks..

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