Front room view.

Our magnolia tree is looking pretty in the much appreciated March sunshine.
I woke at 12:05 am, perhaps due to my aching muscles and fractures maybe because my body didn’t need much more than 4 hours shut eye?
Anyway I popped some soothing music on and read a little. A few 20 to 30 minutes zzzz’s occurred but my back and sides were particularly sore.
Glad to see the clock reading 6 o clock and I shuffled to the bathroom and downstairs to see auntie.
A light breakfast prepared by my morning support crew was followed by a good wash and settling in to my chair to relax and read some of my favourite book.
Cousin H arrived to accompany her mum to chapel and prepare a delicious Sunday dinner. So nice to smell food cooking again, I feel like I have been eating ready meals for the past 3 weeks although I was very impressed with all of the food I was having in hospital. A carer arrived at 18:00 and prepared a light tea of hard boiled eggs with crackers accompanied by a cup a soup.
I feel like I am making progress and although it is going to be a long journey I am determined to make it back onto my saddle and enjoying our wonderful countryside again.

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