Mothers Day

Always a sad one for those of us who no longer have our mums on this earth.  But how much worse for those who have lost a child - like a dear friend F who’s son died when he was 21.  Or who are estranged from their child, like my friend H whose son has rejected her.  So it’s a bit much when every shop that has your e mail address uses it as a marketing opportunity.  I seem to remember one shop - I think it was Waterstones -  emailed a few weeks in advance to ask if you’d prefer not to get their Mothers Day marketing. None did that this year.  Perhaps they’re worried about appearing too ‘woke’:-(
Anyhow, the above was given to me by my son - and I couldn’t be more pleased. To be fair, I had told him I wanted it - after hearing it discussed on one of my favourite Radio 4 programmes, A Good Read.  
I went into the Oxfam shop for a few hours as I’d missed the Wednesday just gone. Caught up on the mountain of fiction that has recently arrived from other Oxfam shops, after our shout out that we didn’t have enough. Most of it very good, too. 
I've attached an extra of my mum on her 83rd birthday looking thoughtful and amused

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