In Amsterdam

I had to be in Amsterdam for my CT scan today. Such a scan is an interesting experience. Alone and partly in a machine. A voice from a speaker saying from time to time: "Breathe in and hold your breath" followed by "Okay, you can continue breathing". I'll hear the outcome next week. 

The doctor told me not to go by car so I got on the bus near home. Which ended 1 km further. I got out, let a busy buss pass by and got on the next one to Utrecht. Went by train to Amsterdam. Went to the platform for the Metro. Let a busy one pass by and got on the next one. Walked slowly to the location where I had to be. To get the scan my heart rate had to be under 60. It was 57 (due to medicines on the days before) so that was perfect. 

I decided to take a scenic route by tram back to the station and enjoyed looking out. A nice outing.  ;-)

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