Change the name and not the plant . . .

. . . . . and you should remember, but probably can't!

It goes on - dull, dry and windy, though less blowy than yesterday. I tried clearing the narrow bed above the house, cutting off dry fern fronds and collecting up the leaves, but they kept blowing everywhere so I gave up! The wind is blowing the opposite direction to the one I want to rake!

Had an appointment at the doc's this afternoon, so I walked down to the town. Not a very exciting day photographically, nothing better than a few dull pictures of the 'Clansman' coming into the harbour.

When I got home I took a few pictures of this potful of what I always thought of as Chionodoxa forbesii 'Pink Giant'. (I've just realised that I Blipped it last March!) One small change! Chionodoxa is now included in Scilla - what a surprise! I noticed last year the arrival of the tiny white flowers of something different - see extra - and having checked I think they might be Scilla (Chionodoxa) luciliae 'Alba;. Wonder how they got in there!

Random Quote of the Day from Edmund Clerihew Bentley. 

'The Art of Biography
Is different from Geography.
Geography is about maps
But Biography is about Chaps.

This sounds like the beginning of what he called the Clerihew. I've written lots of those too!

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