John Gorman Tribute

CMC regretted that she had left her hard hat in Orkney.

More trawling around Moray with a visit (inevitably) to Findhorn.  Kevin (fae Strathconon who now stays in Brodie) came around to Tolbooth Towers to announce his trip to Japan.  The Current Mrs Creel and myself exited and walked up Sanquhar Den to visit Sophia.  It soon transpired that she knows Kev's wife very well.  It is Synchronicity and Serendipity Dawg, writ large, in Forres.  This evening a visit to the Kimberly has been arranged.   A flyer advertising 'Moray Masochists' was pushed through Bob's letterbox.  It reads 'lf you can't join us, beat us.'

Roger McGough is 86.

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