Behind Bars

After I did not manage to get a struggling Chaiyya into the carrier box last Thursday, I had to try again today. She needed her vaccinations after all.

Only this morning, Chaiyya had happily slept in the carrier box, but putting her in there against her will was as difficult as ever.

First, I tried Pandammonium‘s suggestion, but it didn’t work. Pushing Chaiyya backwards into the carrier wasn’t possible, as she hung on to everything within reach (my sweater, the carpet, the edge of the box) with all 20 claws, and didn’t let go, until I gave up. Picking her up and putting her in from above was the only option.

I had locked us into the living room this time, where there isn’t much furniture of the right height for her to hide under, and put on my garden gloves for protection. So, after about half a dozen tries and lots of howling, I finally had her in the box. 

It’s funny that she immediately gave up, calmed down, and hardly even said ‚meow‘ for the next hour or so. We went to the vet, waited, got her examined and jabbed, went home; I opened the box, and out she came, tail held high, as if nothing had happened. 

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