Exhibition Meet Up

Took the bus into town & met JW at Waverley Station then a coffee in Café opposite station then a walk up to the Museum to see the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition.

Well worth a visit.

In awe, maybe I should buy myself a new camera soon, as the cameraphone has it's limits & the wee camera now has a mark on the pics - dropped one too many times I think!

Not sure what I would like to buy - for nature & be weatherproof.

Another munch in the Museum, sit & chat for a while then a walk round the Natural History Dept looking at all the skeletons & stuffed beasties - a wee reminder of the size of the beasties seen in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition.

Back down the steps to the Station JW to get train home & me to walk up through the Gardens & get the bus home.

Big achievement today!

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