first aid

I was on an all day course today, to re-certify for Emergency First Aid at Work. It was well-delivered and interesting and hopefully I will be equipped with the knowledge to deal with whatever might arise. We had an exam at the end (practical and multiple choice) which brought back memories...

The talk of trauma and c-spine injuries also brought a sudden flashback from the day I broke my neck 13 years ago. In fact, as D pointed out when I mentioned this to him, today is almost the anniversary of the accident. Also, for some reason (not a conscious choice on my part) I had put on this morning the very top I was wearing when it happened! I remember asking the nurse to please not cut it off me as it had been a present from D, and she very carefully lifted it over my head. I took off my earrings and put them in the wee pocket on the sleeve for safe keeping. I very rarely even think about that day now, but obviously the memories are still there, below the surface.

The course was on the Crichton Campus, so I was able to walk through the lovely grounds on my way there and back, as I used to do when I was at college. On my way home, I watched a primary school cross country event. Thankfully we never had those when I was young, as I was rubbish at running. I watched the wee boy who won turn and shake hands with the boy who came second. Excellent :-)

By the way, this isn't a photo of the man who delivered our training!

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