Mote Park run

Monday in Maidstone on a gray day. We decided to go for a run in Mote Park. A beautiful place for a run with lots of great paths shared by only a few friendly dog walkers. Lots of inclines to practice hills and memories of sailing, fishing and playing on the swings in my youth. We found a great million pound cafe recently built by the council for our breakfast and a great coffee. 

Afterwards, we returned to Vinters to shower and change. There was just enough time to spring clean, pop to Next for a bedroom carpet before the visit from the estate agent. We noticed the ashfelt has blown up from the summer house, so I organised for a handyman to fix that too. 

The estate agent reminded us both of Dan and we feel like we can trust him to sell the house. He was full of positive energy, so it is just a case of switching agent and getting a re-launch. Nothing ventured ... We shall see what happens next. 

We drove home and did not have too much traffic on the M25, so home for tea and catch up with the Pottery Throwdown.  

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