Well, this is exciting...

The pond is entering its third year. It was a success in its first year, but last year I tried to combat blanket weed with an array of supposedly eco-friendly potions and powders. Probably I overdid it and the effect was to scare off most of the insect life and damage some of the plants 

A few weeks ago, I took the bull by the horns: emptied the pond; removed all the high-nutrient topsoil I had unwisely used and/or allowed to fall in; repotted the plants that still had some life in, in low-nutrient soil; and refilled with rainwater. I periodically peer in, despite being well aware it's a bit early for insect life to get going. In the twilight this evening, I rounded off a quick garden inspection (spring has crept in under cover of this cold, wet spell - lots of things are flowering) by passing that way. Peering into the water, my gaze was met by this chap looking right back at me! Not sure who was more surprised

If I'm not mistaken, this is a common smooth newt. I have not seen one in our garden before. I read that they only really go into water in the breeding season. I'd be surprised if it chooses to breed here, or hang around for long: after my spring cleaning, there isn't really any sort of ecosystem built up yet, so nothing for him/her to eat. Nevertheless, I'll take this as a sign of approval from the nature gods

As I said, the light was low and the reflection from the water made photography difficult. Of course I have done my best to clarify the image for you. If you notice that any of the feet don't align with the leg, of course I apologise

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