
I got out for a walk at Shubie this morning, between the showers. There were a couple of ducks in this little pond, I stopped to take a photo of them, then noticed the mossy reflection.

Other than that, it was a quiet day at home. Watching the birds and working on a jigsaw puzzle. I still don't have a lot of energy, the combination of having a cold last week, and going out on Saturday evening when we made the spring time change. It was 10 pm when I got home, then almost an hour to wind down and get ready for bed, moving the clock forward, made it close to midnight when I went to bed, instead of the usual 10 - 10:30. Of course I was up at my usual time on Sunday.

I've decided not to take the other job doing the relines at Shoppers. I really need some down time before the gardening jobs start and if we get some good weather I want to take a few day trips, and possibly an overnight one too. Plus I have a long list of things to get done...get truck inspected, take tools to get sharpened, organize client list for 2024, finish paperwork for 2023 income tax, clean plant room so I can have some space to start some summer bulbs inside.

Plus there are the social events I plan to attend this month. A couple of coffee meets with a social/travel group. A spring music night, a comedy show, Women Who Rock, and possibly an evening at Neptune Theater. I also have the Photo Society meeting this week, and there is supposed to be a night time photo shoot planned within the next month.

Cloudy, showers and wet snow today. At one point I looked out and there was big flakes of wet snow coming down. More of the same for tomorrow.

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