A conversation piece

1966 edition. Today it is two corporate parties. One that slants left by pandering to the poor but real does nothing for them and the other that would kill off the middle class completely if they could. It isn’t America first. It should be AMERICAN’S first. Left, right, blue, red, pink, purple, Native, Caucasian, Black, Mexican, Brazilian, Russian, British, French, whatever. America was and is a country of immigrants. My grandparents were on both sides. Some of them would be considered illegal but there wasn’t laws back then. I say illegal because the Native Americans were here before us white people tried to eliminate them. Ask the farmers - shutting the borders are leaving food in the fields. Ask the hospitals, who can’t get nurses. Ask the builders who can’t get the hard laborers. Ask the big trucking companies who are trying to bring in people to work at minimum wage. Ask the….

The richest country in the world and yet we don’t even have basic healthcare for our citizens, potholes are everywhere, bridges are falling down, prescription prices are some of the highest in the world, we argue over what is or isn’t “woke”. What is or isn’t our history.

Always remember, united we stand, divided we fall. United we work together to better the country. They want us divided (both parties) so we fight among ourselves and don’t pay attention to what corporations are doing.

I grew up far left and yet have worked 29 years in a far right job. Neither side is right in my opinion but maybe if we govern for the people, by the people we won’t perish from this earth.

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