
I managed another 3 hours sleep and woke up in with nagging aches from most parts of my torso, I couldn’t find a position to alleviate the discomfort and so watched some Richard Stein in Cornwall on iPlayer on my iPhone. The next 5 hours dragged on somewhat but I decided that it was due to the effectiveness of the naproxen taken 7 hours earlier wearing off.
After help with showering and basic morning manoeuvres I rang my GP practice to seek advice.
A very sincere and fairly rapid response from my doctor explained that I was on maximum dose of naproxen but could try codeine last thing at night. She would send a prescription immediately to my local chemist in town.
I had a lovely day consisting of some wonderful telephone calls short and long, visitors from health workers and occupational therapists.
Youngest son picked up the prescription and we planned a trip out for lunch as soon as I am able.
Enjoyed my food today and was able to help prepare some of what landed on my plate.
A late but meaningful visit from my good friend J who is more or less in control of our fire station 150 meters from here. We chatted about his late mother who passed away recently and whose funeral is next week. Big hugs on departure from a sincere public servant.
Let’s see if this here Codeine can prevent me becoming nocturnal;)

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