Big Trip
This morning Marie and I flew into the Windy City, very smoothe flight and not even rough coming into Wellington. Lovely warm day with this afternoon having a wander through the National museum Te Papa. I was overcome with a little bit of emotion looking at the exhibits, what hits home is the letters the soldiers wrote and the numbers of Killed and wounded in one day. A brief cease fire was held as neither side could stomach the stench of decaying bodies on the Battlefield, this allowed both sides to bury their dead. This image is of LtCol Percival Fenwick New Zealand Medical Corps. ' All day long the stretcher bearers toil down the valley of Death, climb over the steep side of Hell Point,and carry their bloody load into the Collecting Hospital.'
Percival Fenwick, Diary, 3 June 1915. Tomorrow a ride on a cable car, a visit tio a hot air factory in the shape of a beehive and a trip to Zealandia and more depending on the day.
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