Young Fathers

My reservations around this evening's gig were entirely unrelated to Young Fathers themselves, who I maintain are probably the best live band doing the rounds at the moment, but entirely to do with Victoria Warehouse, which has all the acoustic delights of a concrete barn.

And my fears turned out to be well founded. Although we took our customary position in front of the desk, the sound was awful: the bottom end was boomy and unlistenable, to the point where I made my apologies to the Minx and retreated to the bar, which is immediately behind the auditorium. 

In fact, the design of the sound desk means that although most of the area around it is in the auditorium, the actual engineer is sat right back, effectively in the bar.

And indeed, the sound was so much better in there that I put my book away, and returned my attention to the gig, watching it on the screens set up in the bar.

All in all, a bit of a concert fail, although the band seemed on good form, accompanied on this occasion by a local choir but sadly missing the two women who usually join them on stage these days. 

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