White Punks On Dope

On This Day In History
1969: London police conduct drug raid on the home of George Harrison

Quote Of The Day
"I hope the fans will take up meditation instead of drugs."
(George Harrison)

Bonus Quote Of The Day
"It's very hard to have relationships when you do drugs. And drink. I found, for me, personally. You become closed off, unreceptive, insensitive, all the dreadful things you've ever heard every other pop singer ever say, and I was very lucky that I found my way out of that. It's been good for me, I've reassessed my life any number of times."
(David Bowie, in Jeremy Paxman interview.)

I find Jeremy Paxman's utter incredulity at the idea of someone drinking "not even a glass of wine" quite fascinating. Drinking alcohol is such a normal thing in our society that teetotal people are often considered weird. What's really weird is people intaking substances, legal or otherwise, that are harmful to their physical and mental health.


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