Snippet from the Workshop

I searched around the workshop for something suitable for Tiny Tuesday. 
I really liked the sheen on this roll of lead solder! : )You’ll see that much better if you look in Large!! : )

Fun Facts about lead: 
Lead's symbol Pb originates from its Latin name, plumbum — which actually used to refer to soft metals more generally. In fact, lead and tin were not clearly distinguished until the sixteenth century, when lead was referred to as plumbum nigrum (black lead) and tin as plumbum candidum or album (bright lead). 
There is also a terrible downside to lead which I wont go into here!

The tenant in my new flat has moved out and today handed in the keys and the Property Manager has been down and inspected it and says its all clean, tidy and the carpets have been professionally cleaned as well yay!!   I’ll go down Thursday morning to pick up the keys which is really and truly exciting!!!! :: ). 
Then there are a number of things which need to be done before I move in, first thing is the bathroom floor!  A friend of a friend is a tiler and he will come and have a look and do me a good price which is fantastic! Not sure when he can squeeze it in, hopefully quickly!
 I have to get rid of most of the furniture as I don't want it and  there are charity organisations that will come and pick that up for nothing.  
Then I’m going to get a few IKEA items delivered.  
Theres a lot to co ordinate!!  
Eek!! Might take a while! : )

Thanks to pinkhairedlady for hosting TT ; )

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