
The Amaryllis has produced a second stalk with three more flowers.  This is the centre of one - such a vibrant colour.
Went for coffee with an elderly camera Club member who only attends the zoom sessions so we don't see her unless we make the effort! An enjoyable catch up.  Then dropped in to see Terri before heading home for a quick lunch.
Phoned friend in hospital - still there - so off I went to entertain her for a couple of hours.  She's in a single ward so not got anyone to natter to... A flurry of nurses etc during the time I was there and before I left a doctor came in to say she could go home just as soon as medication had been 'sorted'.  I left just as her partner arrived so hopefully by now she will be home again.
Obviously all the ecgs and other tests have led to the decision that a pacemaker is not required . . . she's glad of that but still not 100% certain what her problem is. She's got them baffled...... but will be monitored through out patient clinics.
Been another grey, wet day.

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