Eyes on the Prize

Provable competence.

Its a big thing to me, I speak about it a lot. It's a foundational pillar of Wellness Walks.
But out with Fairweathergirl today, chatting about life, the recently reported tragedies in scouting and paddleboarding, the remit of qualifications etc etc, it made me consider conscientious competence. Which I suppose you could also call integrity, the antithesis of "it'll be reet", or an acknowledgement of my oft quoted statistic "99.99% of people get away with it 99.99% of the time. Until they don't".
We're both qualified to get a rope out if its needed, to use it when it matters, but covid, life, new-hips, old ankles, all meant we haven't much recently. So we went and practiced, refreshed, discussed. That's what the best leaders do.

And.. . She only went and bagged another Wainwright lol

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