
Against my better judgement I went into the office today, but it’s just as well I did, as I had an in person meeting which I had totally forgotten about.  The meeting was in one of our other offices, which I had to get myself down to, having not been in it since pre-covid times.  Lesson number one was that the number 22 bus no longer goes down Leith Walk, and hasn’t for years apparently (not that many years actually, when I googled it).  I had no idea, but I guess the idea is that you take the tram now.  Luckily an alternative bus  arrived in minutes and I got o my destination just in time.  It was good to meet up with colleagues face to face, we had a really good meeting.
A colleague and I then came back to the building we normally work in, using the tram.   I had a busy rest of day at my laptop and in meetings.  I had a lovely chat with a colleague before we both left this evening.  I haven’t see her for ages, and it was good to catch up.
My bus home didn’t turn up this evening which was rather annoying.  I cut my losses and got on a slow bus – which is  a real drag.
I had no blip, so an emergency blip of some of the tulips I was gifted yesterday by BB.

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