This isn't my best blackbird photo of the day, that's an extra. However it was pointed out to me by a girl I met in the park this afternoon. Three schoolchildren aged about 12 started chatting to me when they saw the camera and asked what I liked to photograph. We talked about the trees, flowers and wildlife in the park and all agreed it would be much nicer if people didn't throw litter into the burn. One of the boys showed me a beautiful sunset he'd taken on his phone on the way home from school a few weeks ago and then the girl spotted this blackbird and asked me to take the photo as she pointed out it was in a natural frame. She was so delighted with it when I showed her on the camera that I decided to make it my blip. I told her she had a good eye for a picture, and then we spotted a treecreeper on the next tree which they were excited about, although it disappeared before I could get a picture. It was a happy meeting.

There was a short and unexpected period of sun this afternoon but it coincided with me taking B for a much delayed (about 9 months) appointment with the ophthalmologist at the hospital, and by the time we came out it had clouded over again. Unfortunately B was told there's not much more that can be done to improve his sight, which we knew anyway, but we had a supportive chat with the RNIB liaison person who was on hand in the clinic and he left in reasonably good spirits. I think it helped that she was blind herself and her lovely guide dog was under the desk being a very calming influence.

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