
An early start and we dropped my daughter to catch a train south to visit some friends and go to a concert in Leeds. Delighted to have managed that well I travelled on alone. All was going well when reports that the M6 was closed at Stafford was announced on the motorway signs. That was not good news (rarely is) I queued for 40 minutes to get off at the junction as someone had an accident on the roundabout for the exit… then it was a cross country scramble which at one point took me through. Village called Cold Meece… that at least made me smile. We finally got well and truly snarled in the outskirts of Stafford. The sat nav sent us all through a housing estate which had parked cars and single file roads.. hopeless. Anyway I eventually made it home and was given a fabulous attentive welcome by this little scrap. Lots of rubs and licks and purr-ins. Lovely!

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