The very difficult puzzle

I spent the morning at Fareshare as usual, which was enjoyable. And I got lots done there. In the afternoon I went for the MRI scan on my lower back and hips. It’s odd to lie still in a noisy tube for about 30 minutes, but I didn’t mind it. I counted down from 1000 in 7s but only got to the 100s. I had to keep restarting. Anyhow it was ok. Next week, when I see the specialist, I’m hoping he’ll say go away and do tai chi and spinal Pilates and you’ll be fine:)
I was tired when I got home, so did very little except cook tea and finish the very difficult jigsaw - which has been a real pleasure! Oh - and I listened to my beloved Arsenal win via a penalty shootout against FC Porto, a sometime nemesis. Now in the quarter finals of the Champions League for the first time since 2010:-)

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