Au revoir

This afternoon Olivia's grade celebrated the end of year with a presentation in the class (which I missed as I was teaching) followed by fun activities in the playground followed by snacks in the classroom (which I managed to get to). Olivia wasn't at all impressed with the snacks of cucumber, carrots, courgettes, grapes, apples, berries etc as she was clearly expecting party food! However she soon cheered up when the ice lollies were distributed, especially as it almost mirrors the one on her t-shirt!
We had lots of good byes to say as a few of her friends are leaving and Olivia has loved being in Kindergarten and really doesn't want to leave as she has had a fantastic teacher and year.

At the end of school we then dashed to the creche as it was Dexter's last day and they too were having a celebration, which involved the students answering questions, singing and dancing. It was lovely for us to hear him conversing in french to the teachers and there were a lot of tears, mainly from us as we said our goodbyes. I have to admit that I really struggled to settle here in Brussels when we arrived and felt a bit lost for some time. When I secured a job it was then very difficult to find a suitable creche in the right location and with the language barriers I found it really upsetting. I hated having to leave my child with people I didn't know but I will be eternally grateful for the love and kindness that they have shown to all of us over the last two years, and we have made some lovely friends in the process.

Incidentally the name of my Blip journal is the name of my son's creche, as it was around the time I started blipping that I discovered the creche.

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