Best of a bad bunch.

I had Sky News on today for the first time in a while, only for a short while, mainly to see what happened in PMQ's. I was late switching it on and missed the bulk of it but it seems Rishi Sunak seems to have forgotten his speech at the beginning of the month about how threats of violence and intimidation must always be resisted, and will not be returning the £10 million donated to his party by Frank Hester, who racially abused Labour MP Dianne Abbott and called for her to be shot! Apparently the guy has apologised (though not to Ms Abbott) so that's alright then... (Not! Obviously!)

Another thing on the news that shocked me was an article about WhatsApp Catapult groups. Children as young as primary school age and teens are killing wildlife such as squirrels, pigeons, water fowl and even deer with catapults and BB guns, filming and photographing it and posting about it in these groups. There was talk of bringing in legislation against catapults. 

Fair enough. But surely they are looking at this from the wrong side? I know that when I was that kind of age no one I knew would have dreamed of doing anything like this. (We were calling for the banning of fox hunting!) It's not something my kids would have done either. 

There is correlation between this kind of violence towards animals in childhood and escalation into violence towards people. The causes need to be tackled. The fact that these groups exist suggests a bigger problem than can be fixed by changing a law. 

Phew! Sorry about such a doom and gloom blip! I'll go back to not turning on the news and normal service will be resumed.

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