Sunshine at Last

Daughter #1 and I left Edinburgh under grey skies and drizzle and arrived in Perth in sunshine. On the way we had watched a red warning sign appear on the  dashboard forcing us to stop en route at Kinross Services and pay £2.25 to put air in the offending tyre. Who knew air came at a price!

I was chumming the daughter on her quest for work on frame restoration at 2 galleries in Perth before paying a visit to the large antique centre at Abernyte. 
We drove along quiet country roads dazzling in the sunshine. The daffodils bordering the roads were starting to bloom and the newly ploughed fields made a rich patchwork with the rest of the land. The trees still stood stark and leafless, no sign of buds yet.

It’s been another away day and so enjoyable to escape the hustle and bustle of the city.

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