I Bet You Have Never Seen One Like This.

I came across a lens I had completely forgotten about - an Olympus zoom lens with a micro 4/3rds adaptor on it (my word it is heavy).
The brain cells are refusing to give up the information on where or when I acquired it..... but it works - as you can see from the frog picture.
The first camera I came across to try it on was the infrared one.

We had to go out to get some fuses after the one in the plug for my reclining chair went 'Pop'.
I picked up the camera with the brick on the front and used it to get a shot of the shopping centre roof when we stopped at the craft supplies shop to get some picture frames.

Back home and the fuse was changed.
It would appear it is something more serious so I am going to have to dig out some information on its purchase and go and speak to the people in the shop.

To try and cheer myself up, I went and made a 10" dish for my sisters birthday later this month.

This evening - for the first time in Lord only knows how long, there was some nice colour in the sky.
Pictures of that are after the shot in the link.

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