
Unremitting greyness and drizzle today, so we’ve not been out of the house other than to go to the gym for our weekly PT session and to get something for tea. Our trainer worked us hard, so I think we deserve the yellow sticker (£1.85 reduced to 99p!) hot cross buns that “fell” into the trolley in M&S.
Catching up on paperwork this afternoon, I spotted this damp looking blackbird hopping around the flowerbed. Quite pleased with the picture considering it was taken through the window and it was pouring with rain outside!
Off to Manchester for a couple of days tomorrow but need to call on mum in Chester first. I know I’ve got a drawer to repair in the kitchen so I’ve packed tools and fixings to tackle most eventualities. Might chuck in a few extra bits and bobs as well - she’s bound to have something else that has gone wrong recently and which “only” I can fix!

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